Neglected. Overlooked. Forgotten.
That's what's happen to this little space. But I love it still. And when I can sit and breathe, (which I shouldn't be doing right now because of All. The. Stuff.) I love writing here. Recording memories and sharing thoughts.
I do a lot of that on Instagram now, but in short bursts. I am printing those photos out in ChatBooks, and my sweet boys have loved flipping through the 12 we already have received! But they love the blog books I print each year as well and I'm afraid this year's book will be quite small! Yikes!
Fall is here, though different for me this year. We had a Fall Break the first weekend in October and were out of town the first 2 weekends, which threw me for a loop! I think I finally put pumpkins on our door step the middle of October! We actually added lots more pumpkins (because I can't resist the cute and beautiful and welcoming orange signs of Fall), but I took this before the adding. Needed a photo of our new front doors. I am in love!!! Wish I had a photo of our old ones, but they were cream, with tiny windows at the very top. And, they had the full, black wrought iron storm doors in front of them. Definitely gave our house an older feel. Now, I adore the outside of our house! The pop and open windows----so much more inviting! Especially when there's a real, live pumpkin waving to you from the doorstep!! ;)
I have lots more to catch up on, but felt like putting down a few thoughts, to shake out the cobwebs up in my mind and to shake them out here on the blog! We are still around! Living, loving life!
Dearest Lindley,
I apologize that I'm posting this to your blog instead of emailing you but I couldn't find an address. Moreover, with 4 boys at the holidays, I'm sure you are quite busy on top of your normal family life but I wanted to email you (to read when you have a break) that I found your blog while looking online for spiritual people doing God’s work who might be kind enough to introduce my recently published Christian coloring book for adults “Coloring Visions of Heaven” to a wider audience. You have a great Christian family feel to your blog so I thought it might be a good fit. :)
“Coloring Visions of Heaven” reflects my mission to create something that will bring God’s Word into people’s everyday life through an easy-to-access and creative setting. I have dedicated this year to creating a low-cost publication for individuals to celebrate their Faith through color and for parents to share their Christian beliefs with their small children as the whole family colors together. Coloring books for adults are currently a bit of a fad, but their usefulness goes way beyond that of a short-lived cultural trend. Coloring books are a fantastic way for overworked adults of faith to unwind and calm their busy brain after a challenging day of work or before bedtime. By employing their creative right-brain and engaging with God’s word, Christians can relax and enter a spiritual mindfulness that may have been neglected during a day of deadlines, commuting with traffic, and the stress which drains our lives.
I am pricing my book to be affordable for all Christians, including bulk discounts for churches and other spiritual groups. My hope is that it will be an economical faith-based holiday gift, or be used as a daily devotional. Beyond harried adults and young families, my book will benefit those who are hospitalized, homebound, or even incarcerated and have found the Word of God. I foresee it could be adopted by community Bible studies as an activity in their meetings or perhaps even distributed by missionaries in their outreach to others while sharing the heavenly Gospel. Coloring is a universal skill enjoyed by everyone, celebrated in youth but forgotten as we grow. I pray that I might be able to remind people of a happier, more innocent time of life through my project.
Beyond the sacred, quiet, reflective nature of each set of pages, I have formatted each drawing with verse to fit beautifully within an 8x10 frame for display in the home or for gifting to friends and family. This aspect to the book lends an incredible opportunity to design a custom, low-cost gift especially for those in financially challenging times. Nothing is as wonderful as giving a handmade gift of faith. To make the gift even more customized, I’ve included a number of Bible verses specific for various occasions and loved ones at the back of the book.
Should you want to see “Coloring Visions of Heaven” in its entirety, please visit my website which has a full viewable version, at:
I do hope you will consider sharing my creation through your blog.
Be blessed,
Periwinkle Davies
periwinkle [ at ] faithcoloringbook . com
Yay for the December header! I was wondering, but am trying not to push anything extra on your plate for a couple more weeks.
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