Tuesday, March 20, 2012

back with news and beach pics

Hello? (hello . . .hello)
Anybody out there? (out there. . .out there)

Probably just me, writing for my family and to try to get some kind of a creative outlet flowing. It's been a whirlwind around here. Oh wait. I think I mentioned that a few posts back. Well, we're still here and still in a whirlwind! Chad is now recovering nicely from his surgery and we're still hopeful it worked! Miles has surgery on Thursday--his adenoids are being removed. I mean, I think he didn't want his older brothers to feel bad if he was the only sibling to not have his adenoids out, so he decided to go for it. Sweet thing obviously has no clue as he's only about to be 18 months, but we're praying this surgery goes smoothly too!

We've been immersed in prayer around here, as we always should be. However, this time around we've been praying for our new little baby on the way. Just last week, or maybe it's been a smidge over a week now, we got results back from some testing, that our precious one on the way has Down syndrome. It has come as a shock, as I am sure it does for all who receive this news, and we've been flooded with emotions of all kinds. BUT, I cannot express enough, just how much love and support we are feeling from family and friends and how confident we are in the Lord and His plan. It appears right now, that our baby BOY, (oh, did I mention that baby #4 is a BOY? and we are thrilled!!) has fluid around his heart. Pericardial effusion they call it. So, we will be keeping a close eye on that the remainder of my pregnancy. The fluid is not supposed to be there and it needs to be monitored. So monitor we will do! I'm sure I will be writing more about lots of things, but for now, since it's been so sporadic that I've been blogging lately (and I'm hoping to be more consistent as I've been in the past now), I will share some pics from our sweet time at the beach last week!

I've come to find out over the years, just how much little boys need to expel energy! The beach is the perfect way to do it! Run their little hearts out, they did and we loved watching it! I love how Luke is just enjoying the view during his run---dreaming about being a marine biologist!

And check out Charlie here. Doesn't this pic make you start humming the Chariots of Fire theme song?

Miles, you probably won't remember this beach trip, but you loved it! Your favorite part was roaming up and down the beach in the sand---not too close to the waves. But once you saw your brothers and Daddy playing in the water, you became braver! The soft baby pool filled with water suited you just fine as you watched all the parasailers and excitedly called out "boon" for balloon as each and every one of them passed by!

And I so love this pic and can't wait to frame it! Yes, our children bicker and get frustrated with each other, but I love moments like this, when they all play so lovingly together. . .doesn't the beach just do that to us all??

I love our Jackson 5 and can't believe that in 20 weeks (or less?) we will be the Jackson 6!
 We are truly blessed!

Thanks Mimi and Grandpa (Mom and Dad) for letting us crash your vacation and come soak up some relaxing and fun times with you at the beach! We all love you!


Ashley said...

We love y'all and are persistently praying for baby Jackson. I cannot wait to meet him in person!! And the pics are awesome. The black and white one with all three boys is so cool and definitely my favorite. They are all such great pictures!

Lauren said...

i've been thinking about you since i saw you last at pdo. prayers will continue to flow for jackson #6 - a beautiful little man i look forward to meeting.
i love your pictures. you surely have a marine biologist in the making. ever since he explained "the orca whale" to langston, i knew he had the gift. And, charlie - i can hear chariots of fire now.

jillemersonbell said...

Thanks for this beautiful post. Love the pictures, and love your outlook drenched in faith on your new little one. Praying for boy #4!!!! God bless you and your sweet family!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for finally posting! Great pics.

I love you.


Anonymous said...

A boy! I love you all and can't wait to hold JacksonSix in my arms. Will continue to pray.

Spannfamily said...

What great pics! It warms my heart also when I catch Jackson and Andy playing. We will be praying for baby Jackson, please keep us posted.

Brittany said...

I love you and I love Jackson #6! I know that must have been very difficult news to receive but I love hearing your faith and love shine through for your precious son. I will be praying.

Anonymous said...

Lindley -

I am praying for you, my friend, and this precious little BOY. As I looked at the pics of Luke, Charlie, and Miles....I couldn't help but think about how they will be the PERFECT big brothers for boy #4.

Love to you & ceaseless prayers,
Jennifer Thompson

Anonymous said...

1 - Awesome pics, Aunt Mary is SO jealous to have missed the fun!

2 - Amazing to see all of the prayer and support for your precious family. Baby Boy #4 is incredibly lucky to have 3 of the best big brothers and 2 amazing parents.

And an awesome Aunt of course. =)

Love you ALL so very much and praying for you each and every day!

Unknown said...


I absolutely love all the family pictures and your insightful outlook on life. Mary let me know about baby Jackson last week and I want you to know that I don't think he could have a more blessed life ahead of him, or more wonderful parents. I've only had the opportunity to spend a little time with you and Chad but it's so obvious what amazing parents you both are, what a lucky little man.


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