This Thanksgiving, our family is thankful for. . .
God's love, instruments, friends of Luke and Charlie, Mommy & Daddy, the rainforest, hymns & praise music, winter, date nights, God giving us a new creation, God's grace, my family, the great and first commandment, my wife, lovies that sing to the Lord, the ocean, Jesus' forgiveness, Mimi & Grandpa, my brothers, Joel & Cal, my Bible, Tracy going to India to tell others about the Lord, time with friends, 2 Cor. 5:17, work, Joshua in the Bible, food to eat, God's grace, Fernando, Poppy & Nana, God & Jesus, my friends, Fall, birds of prey, our church, Sarah & Autumn, Aunt Mary & Uncle Kevin, Chris & Martin Kratt (Wild Kratts), my friends spread over our country, Miss Gwen & Miss Lydia, God's love, teachers, my husband, owls, our house to live in, all of our family everywhere!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
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