Our little Lukey had his first soccer game last Friday, and though he's not quite at all ready for the World Cup next year, he had a blast!! Dressed in his purple uniform, our #3 took to the field and ran his heart out!! He might not have always been running toward the ball, but he never stopped smiling! It was adorable! He'd even turn and wave to us mid-run! Don't let me give you the wrong impression though. Luke made contact with the ball and even prevented a goal (though 2 seconds later the other team did manage to score)! But, that's not the point. We were just so excited to see Luke get to experience a team sport! We only had 2 practices before the first game. Of course there were no uniforms and there was a soccer ball for each player. They did a couple of drills, and so forth, but it was nothing like the game was going to be. So, last week, Chad and I started talking to Luke more about the game and practicing some at home. Luke responded with, "But, why can't we all have a ball during the game?" and "I don't want to play against another team---just our team!" Other funny comments followed, so to see most everything "click" in Luke's head once the game started was just sweet. Our team was demolished (thanks to a super star kid on the other team), but we played great. Everyone had fun and that's the most important part--at least at this age right???
**Should Luke ever score a goal, I'll be back to post pictures, as Chad has been teaching Luke to rip off his shirt and run around yelling GOOOAAAAALLLLL! Nice, huh?
A quick pep talk before the game!
Go Purple!
Luke gets in on the action!
Put me in Coach!!
Luke and some of his teammates!
Good sport!
Seriously - I can't wait to see one in real life! Keep me posted about tomorrow night...if it's raining I'll just have to make my sign next week! =)
Love the color of the uniforms.Luke looks so official and I can't wait to see him play. Please no rain! Love you all, Mimi
Seriously, I feel like our lives are totally parallel right now! :) David also just started soccer and it feels like we are playing together on the same side of the state!! Go Luke (#3) and David (#6)! Isn't this so much fun? Our soccer games seem more like hearding cows, but they are getting there! :)
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