Though there is sunlight coming in my window right now, we haven't seen very much of it over the past week. The forecast continues to look wet as well--rain moves in again this afternoon. Chad and I had a chance to visit Seattle 7 years ago when I did a 3 day walk for breast cancer. We stayed for a week and LOVED it--decided then and there we'd move to the Pacific northwest in a heartbeat. We wondered why people complained about the rain in Seattle (while we were there it was August and sunny the entire trip). Chad and I actually love the rain, storms, and dreary weather that makes you feel like you shouldn't be doing anything but snuggle up with a good book. However, this past week, cabin fever hit bigtime! With rain coming down in buckets and no chance of going outside, the toys in the house quickly got old! The drive-thru window was our only hope of getting out of the house and not getting wet, and we definitely couldn't do that for every meal! Soooo, while we all grumbled about our random monsoon weather, and were surrounded by a jungle (our yard hasn't been mowed in 3 weeks-due to the rain), we had to come up with other exciting indoor events. . .
like big brother making boats out of pillows. . .
like big brother making boats out of pillows. . .
and little brother face-planting into them. . .
and big brother building the boats again. . .
while little brother back-dives into them. . .
which looks like so much fun that big brother dives into pillows too!
We also turned our bedroom into a football field. One side of our bed was an end zone and our closet was the other end zone. We each played different positions, but more often than not, Luke enjoyed being quarterback--though he sure ran the ball into the endzone a LOT. Maybe he was actually the runningback! Daddy was a great linebacker and coach too!
See, Chuckles, here's how we play football. . .
you run after the person with the ball. . .
and tackle them. . .
Football is SO much fun--exhausting--but SO much fun!!
A - Love the picture of the grass! SO pretty
B - Jumping into pillows...hmm, we certainly never did that did we? (Well, landed in them after seeing how tall of a pile we could leap over)
C - I wanna play football too! Hee hee.
Good job Miss - you are getting quite fancy with your blog! :)
I especially love the picture of Chad charging at Luke with the football. Doesn't look like anyone was upset with no sunshine. hee hee love you, Mimi
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