Tickets to our minor league baseball game . . . $14.00
3 hot dogs, 3 chips, 3 bottled waters and a snowcone. . .$24.50
A fun night of baseball and spending time together. . .priceless!
Our 2nd time this season (you can check out our first trip here) to head to a baseball game (this time with Charlie, who's walking and determined to explore) was lots of fun! It was sizzling waiting in line for tickets, but once we made it to our lawn seats, we were in the shade and feeling cooler. Not cool, but cooler. So, one of the biggest hits of the night was getting a snowcone! Luke and I planned on the two of us sharing one, but Charlie, who had never had one before, decided this was the night to join us. Verdict?? He loved it!
Luke enjoyed practice swinging and learning more details about the game. We also ran into one of his new little friends from school, so they had a blast doing somersaults and dancing to music in addition to watching baseball!
Charlie, not so interested in the game at his age, was a social butterfly and kept walking to other people's blankets, smiling and of course eating up all the attention he received! Finally, it was getting late, so we headed out after the 7th inning stretch (we couldn't miss singing Take Me Out to the Ballgame). On our way out, we stopped at the rail in the outfield for a closer look. At this point, Charlie decided he was done with his sippy cup and threw it down on the field! I didn't really want to draw anymore attention to us than there already was and I was fine just leaving the cup there, but the security guards were nice enough to ask the warm-up pitchers to run over and grab it for us. Wonder how many times a sippy cup has landed on a baseball field?!
Lukey learns the ins and outs of the game!
Please let me have some!!
Yum! Thank you!
Chad takes in some of the game!
So excited about his snow cone!

Mommy gets a thank you kiss!
Throwing it back before throwing down on the field!!
Great post.
Looks like everyone is having fun at the ball park. Cute, Cute What flavor snowcone? One to turn their mouths purple or red? ha ha Love ya, Mimi
So adorable! Thanks for sharing these photos, looks like he's having fun!
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