Sunday, August 26, 2007

Master of the ducks!

Chad was out of town this weekend (sad for us), but he came home today. Luke and I drove downtown, picked him up and decided to hang out for a little bit. We thought Luke might enjoy seeing the Peabody ducks, so we headed over to the hotel. It was almost time for the ducks to make their famous exit down the red carpet and head up to their penthouse, so lots of people were gathered around. Luke squealed and broke into a huge smile when he saw the fountain and the ducks swimming around it. He loved following the ducks around and saying "duckies" and "pountain" (all of his "f" words sound like "p" words).

The Grand Master of the ducks was watching Luke and decided to approach us. He told us that we could ride in the elevator up with the ducks!!! He said he wasn't supposed to let people do that, but that Luke was so cute he could make an exception!. Awwww! So, during the Grand Master's presentation to the crowd ( a 10 minute speech on the history of the Peabody ducks), he dubbed Luke, assistant Grand Master of the ducks! Luke got to hold a special duck cane and followed the ducks down the red carpet (what a star!) and into the elevators. Once we were upstairs and away from the crowds, the Grand Master had to hurry the ducks along to their penthouse. He started chanting "Go Duckies Go" and of course Luke chimed right in too, "Go, Duckies, Go!" We walked with the ducks all the way to their house. Luke was again thrilled to see they had a pool upstairs too and REALLY wanted to go in their house, but the Grand Master locked them in.

As we were leaving to go back down to the lobby, the Grand Master handed Luke a yellow rubber duckie and our boy couldn't have been happier!!! What a fun afternoon! Luke got to be a special part of history-----and I didn't have my camera. :( I'm ordering a new one, so lots of pictures from upcoming adventures will be posted, don't worry.


Anonymous said...

Wow what a wonder adventure. I'm sick you didn't have a camera to have a picture of Luke helping the Grand Marshall. I can just picture how adorable he was and can hear him saying Go duckies Go! Think you must try doing that again, going to the Peabody and this time have a camera. We've sure missed y'all and are glad to be home for a day before we head out again.

amber@This Mommy Cooks said...

WOW!!!! That is so exciting! I bet Luke was so proud! We're going to take Jacks soon to see the ducks, I think he'd like them too.

Mary said...

Holy crap am I sad I wasn't there to see a little Grand Marshal Pooker! And I loved the message from Luke this weekend for his AUNT MARY-not Aunt Dada!!

Anonymous said...

I am so sad you did not have your camera! I bet Luke was the cutest grand marshall they have ever seen!

Anonymous said...

We are so glad you got to see the ducks, Luke! Colin's Grandma use to stay at the Peabody every year for a conference and she LOVES the duck parade! What a lucky boy you are!

The Sturms


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