Friday, April 27, 2007

we have a new little nephew!

Although we don't yet know his name, our little nephew was born this morning! It sounds like Kristen and the baby went through quite an ordeal. She was induced yesterday morning, but had the baby right after midnight this morning. He is in the NICU and will be for several more days due to a bacterial infection, so we would appreciate your prayers for our little nephew and for Kristen as she recovers from a C-section.

It's been a random week this week. Chad was out of town for a couple of days and I had laryngitis. Poor little Luke would bring me books and turn and look at me like, "Mommy, what's wrong with you? Just talk to me already!" Sweet Aunt Mary cooked us a delicious (future chef in the making) meal one night and gave Luke some voice time. It was sweet. She also taught him the Spanish word for head. So now if you ask him "Where's your head?" in Spanish, he knows! Chad has been speaking to him in Spanish for a while now and he also knows how to find his nose, eyes and ears in Spanish too!

I'lll leave you with some miscellaneous pictures from our random week! Luke's ultimate favorite thing to do these days is go outside. He puts up the biggest fight when he has to come inside!

Rain, rain go away! Little Lukey wants to play!! He's just standing at our front door (the moment after he finishes breakfast) and begging to go outside! But, alas, it's raining.

Finally the rain stopped! I can mow the grass!

It was pretty cold and super windy yesterday. Luke chased this leaf around our entire little cove! He finally caught it!


Ashley said...

Hope you're feeling better, Lindley!

ferniBlog said...

Sorry you've been sick! No fun with kids! Drew is the same way about being outside...that is all he wants to do! At least the weather is getting nicer by the day!


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