Projects are getting tackled around here and I am thrilled! I will admit that I have hundreds of project ideas that are waiting (with supplies already bought) to be tackled. But once I start a project, I despise leaving it unfinished. Of course, that might be why so many are just waiting to be started! It's hard to find a chunk of time to complete a project these days. I can't just leave things scattered about in the open with lots of littles around!
Like I mentioned a few weeks ago, we've been wanting to spruce up some areas in our house, and we were hoping to accomplish this DIY style! I took it upon myself to begin painting our half-bathroom. I bought some paint and began painting. Well, a funky paint-roller later, (the paint wasn't going on right--maybe that's some of my painting ignorance too) I became distracted, but still determined to change our half-bathroom. Our cabinets were from the 1960's and were an orange brown. They just weren't our favorite. Neither was the old, brass hardware. I just assumed I would head back to the paint store to buy more paint for the cabinets, but then I was steered another direction. I'm so thankful I was!
Enter Annie Sloan's chalk paint! Oh my goodness. I love this stuff! The paint is thick, but dries super quickly, which helped my eagerness to complete my project once I got it started. I love the rustic-antique type look it has and cannot wait to use it for more projects! If you haven't used Annie Sloan's chalk paint and have something, and I mean anything, you want to paint, you should look it up! Awesome find! And if you are reading locally, Me and Mrs Jones, in midtown, sells the paint!
So I painted our walls, our cabinets and our mirror. And to finish up, I took off our old cabinet hardware and put on some fresh pulls. Our half-bath feels lighter and fresher already. I need a final coat of paint on the walls and a few touch ups here and there, but so far so good!
I had a hunch that we would feel good about a DIY project, but wasn't convinced. Sometimes having time is more important. I was concerned that taking time for a DIY project would feel stressful. However, at this point, still early in our DIY career, I can safely say, putting a little sweat and effort into something and doing it ourselves has been fun and totally worth it! And as for my first post, (DIY: Daring or disastrous?), I'd say we've avoided the disastrous at this point and it feels a little less daring, and definitely more exciting!
A little before and after. . .
The lighting on my phone is not great, but in person, the room went from dingy to light and airy! Ideally, we'd change the countertop/sink and tile out, but that's a little bigger project and we can hold off a little longer. . .
Next up?!
Figuring out this wall. It's in our laundry room. I recently spread out our hooks (from Anthropologie--great hardward there!) to give more space between backpacks and bags, but we have a big, blank wall above them. I was considering making this our family command center and possibly adding a calendar and or bulletin board. I'm sure there are some really creative DIY ideas out there. . .maybe you have some suggestions? I'm all ears!!!
Kids artwork
Pottery barn wall sticker dry-erase calendar
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