Wednesday, August 27, 2014

DIY: Daring or disastrous?

I've decided that when a person sees this picture, he or she will fall into one of two categories. . .

A) Sweet!!! I'm on board! Let's do this!!


B) Ummm. When do you think we are going to do this? Don't you think we should pay someone to do this?

Most of my life, I'd say I've fallen into Category B. Just a little hesitant to mess with something I don't know anything about. My hubby, on the other hand has all of the attitude in Category A, but a little of the mindset in Category B, because let's face it, working and then coming home to a house full of 4 energetic boys can wear a person out!

When we bought our first house, I wanted something relatively new. I didn't want an old house we'd have to work on constantly. Plus, I didn't really know what style I liked. The interior design aspect was the same. We had a mish-mosh of furniture from each of our previous places, plus hand-me-down furniture from our parents. None of the furniture was exactly our style.

Now though, after being married for 14 years, I think we've discovered our style and thankfully, we agree for the most part! We've also matured some and maybe grown in wisdom a little bit too. We know we can't tackle every home improvement task that comes our way. Either it's out of our budget and it needs to wait, or it's out of our wheelhouse and we need to hire someone to help us.

That being said, it's not like we can snap our fingers and have everything we've ever owned fixed up, refurbished or changed into our exact taste. We still have a mish-mosh of pieces (art, furniture, fixtures, etc).

However, we are feeling bold enough to make a start! I guess our real start into design came 2 years ago when we moved into our current house. It needed a kitchen remodel---some of the appliances were from the 60's and barely working. Plus the floor---yikes! So, we took our kitchen from this. . .

 and this

to our renovated kitchen which is this. . .

There are more details, but in actuality, this wasn't a DIY project. We most certainly had our contractor and his team do the work. We did, though, design it and since then we've developed more of a vision for design, but also an interest in DIY projects. Some that seemed completely unreasonable, now seem a little more do-able. I totally credit my sister and bro-in-law and of course, Fixer Upper on HGTV. No, my sister is not Joanna Gaines. That's a separate thought. And as much as I love Joanna Gaines, I love my Biffer even more!

So, I think we are going to venture into more home improvement projects, aka DIY projects, like this half-bath for example. . .

But, as always I'm keeping it real. I can speed dial our contractor in 2 seconds and I might need to as my first DIY project took place today. . .

I thought changing a wallplate from one color to another was easy-peasy. Got home, and realized I need the innards of the wallplate as well! Ahhhh, humility! But, it's still a start!
Your thoughts on DIY projects? Daring or disastrous?


Rachael said...

If you are not someone who knows a lot about electricity and wiring (ie, my husband is an engineer so he does that kind of stuff at our house, I am an English professor so I stay away from wiring), call in a professional. You can electrocute yourself quite easily changing out those outlets. Covers are one thing, but to so what you're wanting to do requires messing with the wiring.

Unknown said...


Aunt Mary! said...

Daring! Woo hoo! Just make sure you have the right tools if you go to do anything with electrical. Kevin had a handy tool that checked the outlet before he changed out the "innards" and good thing, because it was on a different circuit than the overhead lights! Could have been SHOCKING!

Anonymous said...

BE CAREFUL --- Love you

đa said...
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