Thursday, April 18, 2013

counting blessings

It's been a doozy of a week, hasn't it? For our family, in our world, it's been non-stop with a birthday, a small surgery, an eye injury, non-stop rushing around, some kind of event at school for all 3 of our littles who go to school, the invasion of allergies, meetings for this and that, and fumes trailing us from pure exhaustion!

Then there's Boston and West. I can't imagine the week people in those communities are having. I know that we all have our own rough weeks and we shouldn't compare. To us, something may seem like an ocean to cross without a boat, while someone else may see that ocean as an easy task to tackle. To us, someone else's current situation may not seem like a crisis to us, yet that person may be gasping for air. But, Boston and West.

Just feeling the need to count some blessings like the old hymn says. . .

Count your blessings, name them one by one;
Count your blessings, see what God hath done;
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your many blessings, see what God hath done!

In this doozy of a week, some of the blessings I am thankful for. . .

--our little Chuckles and the 5 years of joy we've had with him
--a successful surgery for one of Baby Way's ears
--Baby Way's sweet demeanor and smiley self throughout the day
--our marriage conference at church
--sweet friends we've spent time with
--my hubby, who just keeps on serving and loving me
--doctors who've instilled confidence in us
--friends who have checked in on us
--grace from Charlie's teacher
--my Biffer and Kevin, who love our wild family and don't seem phased by us (in front of us) :)
--the giggles from Miles being pushed on his swing
--the way Luke held my hand while we walked in the parking lot as he shared his day with me
--a friend who served us in need on a moment's notice
--our (Way's) OT who is a breath of fresh air and truly enjoys working with our angel
--our Sunday night church service

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