Wednesday, March 20, 2013

World Down Syndrome Day--I am . . .

I am so excited to be teaming up with the International Down Syndrome Coalition and sharing their World Down Syndrome Day 2013 video! Their 2012 video from last year had a huge impact on me as we had just found out our little baby was to be born with Down syndrome. I've learned so much over this past year and feel so very blessed to have our baby Way! I am thankful to have this new understanding about Down syndrome and thankful for how the Lord has shown our family just how awesome the Lord is and how we are all fearfully and wonderfully made! And before you watch the video, here's a little bit about our 4th amazing little boy. . .

I am a little brother!

 I am a happy camper!

I am treasured!

I am strong!

I am fearfully and wonderfully made!

Hope you enjoy the video and share away! Spread the word about World Down Syndrome Day tomorrow, 3/21/13! Thanks IDSC for making us all aware!


Aunt Mary! said...

Loving this and love Baby Way! Can't wait to see him grow and develop into an even more amazing person.

Erica said...

Hi don't know me but we have lots of mutual friends....I went to UT with lauren and kelly, etc. so I have seen your blog linked on all theirs. love seeing your fun family ideas and beautiful boys! i just had my 4th right before christmas...though we're all girls around here with our oldest is a boy : ) i had to comment about your "sparkling green earrings" book. melanie is great....actually her younger sister is a very dear friend of mine who i worked at a summer camp with back in college. amy and i have stayed in touch over the years, were in each other's weddings, etc. so i've known mel from my time with amy. i haven't read her book but heard so many people talking about it! i'll have to check it out....well when i can find time to read that is! well thanks for sharing your thoughts on the book. take care!

Patti said...

so sweet !!!


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