Monday, January 14, 2013

this and that

Ohhh boy! Or boys! It's hard to even know where to begin this post, but I have to, or want to, because blogging refreshes me, it's an outlet, it's a memory keeper and because my hubby pesters encourages me to do so (wink,wink, Honey)! I think I may just bullet point this though. . .

1. A friend of mine a couple of years ago tried to get me to watch those healthy food movies that were popping up everywhere, like Food, Inc and Super Size Me. I just couldn't do it because I didn't want to have to change our eating style. Thought it would be too hard. Thought it would be too expensive. Thought I wouldn't have time. Well, with attitude issues and health issues around here, and OH that my little Chuckles told me my tummy was getting bigger (and no I'm not preggo again), I'm a WHOLE lot closer to making some big changes around here! You should see my pantry. Lots of boxed foods. Lots of everything. We're not horrible eaters, we lots of fruit and some veggies, but I need to wake up to some healthy eating that can be had out there and join 2013. For my family! Another friend shared a link to Chris Beat Cancer and he's a motivator! Anyone wanna join me on a new quest? Or at least ask me how I'm doing on it in the next month or so? We'll see if it's just a bandwagon/new year thing. . .I still think it will be hard. And expensive. And I won't have time. . .

2. I'm feeling really overwhelmed by 4 kiddos right now. Love them beyond belief. Don't love their lack of discipline. Just trying to manage our family, get food on the table, clothes washed/dried/folded, littles bathed, lunches made, homework sorted/signed/encouraged, praying with them, devotionals---the basics is tough! Add to that, reading to them, playing with them, being intentional, doing therapy homework, doing therapy, practices, games, all the things I'm leaving out, well that's even tougher! But we've been encouraged lately and one form of encouragement (among many yesterday) came from our new minister over our CC (Sunday School class). He reminded us yesterday that in Psalm 138:8 it says, "The Lord will accomplish all that concerns me." Whatever I am concerned about, the Lord is already there. Whatever energy I need, He will give it to me. Our children's hearts are of big concern to us. So we are on our knees and pray for them daily. We pray for us as parents, that our kiddos will be protected from our mistakes as parents and we pray for wisdom to know how to lead them. Praying is our biggest tool we have! I'm more encouraged than ever from our messages at church yesterday! So thankful!

3. So badly want to update everyone on baby Way, as he's quite the popular topic of conversation these days! BUT, since he's piping up from nap right now, I'll save it for later! Promise!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting. You nailed it - eat healthy (I think I'm a less expensive healthy eater because I eat out less)!! And pray for my parenting and my children despite my parenting!

I love you.


Lisa Joy said...

In regards to #1, just focus on taking baby steps! One thing at a time, one week (or two) at a time. Keep on doing what feels like a natural next step, and before you know it, you'll look back, and say, "Wow, we eat really differently than we did a couple of years ago!" Go easy on yourself!

Lisa Joy said...
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Anonymous said...

I think Lisa Joy said it right, take baby have lots going on and taking baby steps in every area of your life doesn't hurt either. You and Chad are wonderful parents and your children are so blessed having you. You can do all things thru Christ who strengths you. It also took God time to create Heaven and Earth. Love you, Mimi


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