But then.
We sat down on the couch, boo-boo's healed, grace and forgiveness given and talked about our Advent message today. Give a gift to a child in need. We opened our Samaritan's Purse catalog and I began to read Franklin Graham's message about the true meaning of Christmas. I talked through some of the items in the catalog, reading their descriptions. Feed a hungry baby for a week, "for He satisfies the thristy and fills the hungry with good things" --Psalm 107:9, provide a blanket for a hurting child to snuggle with, supply a soccer ball for some children and lead them to an opportunity to hear about Christ, give a life-saving mosquito net, milk, food, a lovie, etc. I asked my littles to choose one thing each they would like to give to someone in need.
And then.
I could see the warmth in the eyes. I could hear compassion in his voice. "But Mommy, I can't just choose one!" My oldest little explaining to me that he really wanted to give food to a hungry baby and he also wanted people to be protected from the mosquitos bringing malaria. He wanted to give them milk to make their bones strong and a warm blanket to cuddle with. And sweet Chuckles, so sports minded, wanting to give a soccer ball for kiddos to play with and a Jesus Loves me Lamb for someone to snuggle and hear the song.
And then.
That's when my frosty heart warmed again. If there is anything that Chad and I want for our children, the most important thing, is for them to know and love the Lord. And they are young. But to see and hear their hearts tonight, made this heart warm. Thank you, Lord, for these little warming moments!
"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these. . .you did for Me."
--Matthew 15:40b
1 comment :
that's awesome, lindley.
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