Tuesday, January 25, 2011

still packing a punch

The end of last week packed a punch on our family, and it's still punching! Charlie began last week with a fever and terrible cough, which turned out to be an ear and sinus infection. By midweek, Chad left town and I came down with the chills, extreme fatigue and fever--all leading to a pretty miserable sinus infection this weekend and now I have no voice. In desperate need of some Mucinex, my major friend during sinus infections, I dug through our medicine drawer. Oh. my. goodness. Apparently we hadn't done that in a while. I was in such shock that I took a picture of what I found to discard.

Want to know what's left in our drawer? Tylenol, Q-tips and Hydrogen Peroxide, and plenty of the last two if you need some. It was crazy how much we had in that drawer that had long been expired. Anyone know what you are supposed to do with old medicine? I'm a little ignorant when it comes to being green, but I've heard you aren't supposed to toss medicines. I'm just trying to be intentional, since that's my word of the year!

Anyway, Chad and Miles have now both come down with whatever upper respiratory infection Charlie and I have. Poor things. We are currently stocked with Vicks Vapo Rub for adults and babies and we are all really smelly! Sweet Lukey is the only one who hasn't come down with anything. . .yet. I know I should never write or say those things out loud, but I'm praying it won't work against me this time! He has his Pancakes and Pajama Day at school tomorrow and he is pumped! They are studying the letter P. Here's to Praying that our Pumpkin isn't feeling Puny on his Pancakes and PJ Day because we will surely have a big Pity Party if so! Stay healthy, Lukey!

1 comment :

Amy said...

Wow, yeah, we've been there too this past week - very bad colds and not quite over them yet! Feel better soon!

Most cities/counties have household hazardous waste collection websites that tell you what your specific area does with hazardous household waste including expired drugs. I'm sure you can just google Cordova/Memphis/Shelby County and find something.


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