Thursday, July 8, 2010

An Amazing 10 Years Together

My wonderful wife often tells me that I can guest blog, but then never gives me her password. So, I’m not sure if she really means it. Well, I finally believe today is a great day to guest blog. Plus, if it’s not great, I am feeling quite under the weather and so we can blame poor literary abilities on the bug!

What’s the real reason for the blog? 10 amazing years with my wife – celebrated today. It is amazing to me that our marriage truly seems to get better every year the Lord gives us together.

Year 1 – Cute apartment in Dallas, TX; an amazing wife; a tendency for extravagance as we frequented places like Destin, Outback Steakhouse and Uncle Julio’s. Oh, and every Saturday we would watch some sport (most memorably college football) while eating a JG’s Old Fashioned Hamburger; Lindley making lifelong friends.

Years 2&3 – Great apartment in Bloomington, IN; Grad school for both; great musicals and plays; Scotty’s fried dill pickles and atomic burgers; amazing winters with snow out the wazoo; camping; Pizza Express; hiking; and meeting new great friends; time in Destin.

Year 4 – Great apartment in Collierville; new jobs; movies almost weekly; Studio on the Square and Barbecue added to the mix as well as, for old time sake, Fox Ridge Pizza; new and old friends; family; finding a good church home

Years 5&6 – Great new home in Memphis; begin praying together more; consistent jobs; lots of movies; and our first stint at being parents – welcome to the family Lukey; Daddy gets to mature a little bit; more time in Destin.

Year 7 – God starts working on us; more prayer together; reminders about serving God; more time in Destin (as per usual!); beginning to parent a toddler; trip to Hawaii – awesome!

Year 8 – More time serving; beginning focus on serving the Lord as a family, through family and to family; learning more about having a Sacred Marriage – although we didn’t read the book until Year 9!; first anniversary spent in Asheville, NC at the Grove Park Inn; more parenting – welcome to the family Charlie; Daddy gets to mature a little bit more; still more time in Destin!

Years 9&10 – Great time focusing on family, marriage, parenting; Chad goes to FedEx; date nights are great: Bosco’s, Beauty Shop, Riverside Inn, Studio on the Square, Paradiso, Houston’s (on the patio… - Lindley I think you know what the … refers to in our first Houston’s on the patio experience), Interim; it’s been awesome.

Year 11 will cause daddy to mature even a little bit more!

Well, this is but a quick list of things that we’ve done over the years. How amazing is our life! But in between the things and activities over the years God truly has made me love Lindley beyond belief. Lindley is loving and gracious and forgiving and provides our family with the excitement, love and enthusiasm that we all need. God uses her to show us what true joy can be. I love you!

Still always,

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