Monday, July 13, 2009

we're back!

We're back from our wonderful lake vacation in South Carolina. I still have tons of things to get done. . .laundry, phone calls, errands, mail sorting, etc. But, I wanted to greet you with some "blooper shots" of our trip. If you watch American Idol, you know they start the show with all of the wannabees or rejects, or whatever you want to call those people, who, bless their hearts, cannot sing at all!! Well, these pictures were some attempts at the "perfect" family pics over the past week and they reminded me of the beginning of American Idol. Umm, they didn't work out, but they left us laughing. And, in case you've been on the edge of your seats waiting for me to post again (because I know you all are), I'll get to the good pics and stories soon! We had such a fun time and I can't wait to share!

Check out the boy's faces!!

Awww, poor thing!

Again, check the boys out. You think they were done attempting the perfect shot??


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