Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Can I do it all?

Today, Luke went to Parent's Day Out, which means that like every other Wednesday, I had a list a mile long of things to do. Actually, though, since the Christmas season has officially begun, my list was 2 miles long. And, to be completely honest, due to pregnancy brain, I didn't even make a list and somehow thought I could remember everything on my "to-do list." Did I get everything accomplished?? No way!

Somewhere in the midst of my day though, I thought about my women's weekly Bible study. This past week we studied about the Proverbs 31 woman. For those of you who may have never come across this chapter, it's based entirely on this amazing, most unbelievable woman who does it all. She provides meals for her family, makes her family's clothes, volunteers, runs her own business, takes care of her husband and children, manages her household, etc. She is called blessed by her children and her husband praises her. She speaks with wisdom and even laughs about the days ahead, but most importantly, she loves the Lord. This woman is everything we all want to be.

A friend of mine sent an email out today reminding us to look at our own to-do lists. Do we actually think we can accomplish them on our own with faith only in ourselves? We can't! We must have faith in God and in having that, we must then throw out our to-do list and get God's to-do list. What does He want us to do today? Slow down and be a friend to someone who needs us? Stop rushing around trying to multitask and sit down with your toddler who just wants you to read a book? Put off going to the grocery store and trying to be Martha Stewart and just be a daughter, or volunteer, or adopt an angel, or maybe even share about God's love to someone?

I tend to get caught up in my own to-do lists--especially during the holiday season and so I was thankful for this study and reminder. Proverbs 31:30 says, "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." I want to encourage all of you to get God's to-do list, which forgets about material things and focuses on eternal goals.


Jennifer said...

Just wanted you to know that God used YOU to encourage (and convict) me. I'm up late, fretting over what I haven't accomplished....decided to do some blog reading (procrastination) and WHAM. Thanks, Lindley.

amber@This Mommy Cooks said...

what an encourager!

Domestic Kate said...

Thanks for the encouraging reminder - I was just sitting here thinking of all I need to accomplish this weekend, and how it will never get done, and you know - most of it just isn't important. Not eternal, that's for sure!

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