Thursday, December 31, 2015

blog header year in review!

It's New Year's Eve, which means, in this little spot, it's time for my blog header year in review! My posts were spotty at the end of the year, and I only managed to have 9 new headers, missing March, August and October. Still love doing these headers, and hoping to make a change to the ol' blog in 2016! Stay tuned and thanks for reading along with us!

Happy New Year!


Drew Watts said...

Glad to go through this post. Really enjoyed and happy to see you all enjoyed the events. It reminded me of my New York party that I arranged at one of Venues in San Francisco. Happy to arrange everything perfect there and glad that it was enjoyed by everyone.

Megan Taylor said...

Great blog is this!Home Chef Coupon

Kerry Schultz said...

This is the first time I m visiting your blog and looking at all these different beautiful headers I m really excited to see your posts


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