After two successful potty training experiences under our belt, I'm not sure why I was so nervous to potty train Miles. Oh wait. Actually, I do know why I was nervous. Hubby was going to be out of town for a bit. Why in the world would I potty train without his reinforcement? Well, it was the only time that was going to fit in our schedule. But potty training doesn't really fit into a schedule does it? Nope. You really just have to go for it.
So, on a Monday morning two weeks ago, Miles jumped aboard the Potty Train Express! Slowly, the week before, I had been mentioning to Miles that he would get to be in big boy underwear soon. I kinda wanted to "try the idea on" and see what he thought. He seemed fine with it, and as he is about to be 3, I knew he was capable. I'm not one to pressure an early age of potty training. I do think girls can be ready earlier, but that's coming from friends perspectives, I only have boys. But for me, I don't really mind changing diapers, not my fave thing, but not something that bothers me. So, I don't push it at the age of two. Some people I know have, and they just end up with more trouble than it's worth---at least from my perspective. AGAIN--whatever anyone wants to do is fine, this is just what works for us, and it works for us quickly!
And we've now had three successful potty training experiences!! Miles is a pro! The Saturday before we started the training, we headed out to Target, let Miles pick out some exciting big boy underwear, got a poster board, let him pick out several packs of stickers, and grabbed a bag of Reeses Pieces! We were set! Over the weekend, I made his potty train chart, just like I made for our older two boys. On Monday morning, he woke up and we proceeded! Now, Miles has completed his chart, picked out his toy, and has arrived at the Potty Train Success station! Great job, Miles! We are so proud of you!!
**If anyone wants more details on how our chart works, I'll be happy to share more. Just wanted to spare others potty talk! :) You're welcome!
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