Here's a little of what we will be up to this weekend. . .
It's a new month! I always love November and it's creeping up in rankings right up there with October and December on my faves list the past couple of years. Not that everyday of every year isn't a time to give thanks, but naturally, with Thanksgiving being in November, this month just creates the perfect atmosphere for being thankful! Last year, we made our thankful tree and loved sharing our reasons for being thankful and hanging our leaves everyday. We started our list of thanks last night and plan to start adding it to our leaves on our tree this weekend (just gotta get those leaves made)!
Last year when there was talk of pumpkin shortage in the grocery store, I was thankful I already bought my cans of pumpkin. This year, I remembered and bought even more cans of pumpkin and have yet to use them! So, I have some littles who are in for a treat! They love these chocolate chip pumpkin muffins! Check out the recipe if you didn't catch it last year. Delish! I love having helpers in the kitchen and my helpers will do just about anything for chocolate chips--ahem, me too!
Hope you have fun this weekend! Don't forget about Daylight Savings. . .is it just us, or do you have a harder time (if you have kiddos) with fall back than spring forward?
1 comment :
I love your tree - such a great idea. I missed your recipe last year...not sure how but I did. Those look so good. Love the boys in their costumes! Precious!!
Love, Mimi
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