Today I . . .
washed, folded and actually put away the kiddos clothes.
Today I . . .
also washed, folded and did not put away Chad's or my clothes.
Today I . . .
found a double stroller that will fit in my SUV and I was giddy, thanking my friend who helped me test fit it in my said SUV!
Today I . . .
enjoyed cooing back and forth with baby Way (how long do I get to call him baby Way? Forever? Thanks!).
Today I . . .
sang Hurry Hurry Drive the Firetruck with Miles 14, 000 times! And loved it!
Today I . . .
treated myself to a salted, caramel Mocha, which was actually a free treat from Starbucks since they didn't have the salt the last time I tried to order one!
Today I . . .
lit our Jack o lanterns with our littles, who were so excited about the cool faces they chose to have Daddy carve, not to mention the bat wing and spider additions they made!
Today I . . .
did NOT get to early vote because I showed up at 7:02 and was turned away.
Today I . . .
got a wonderful massage from my honey and it was a perfect way to end the day! Good night!
1 comment :
Love this post, Lindley. And yes, I think you get to call him Baby Way for forever!! He and Abe can just roll their eyes at us when they're 20!
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