Monday, September 3, 2012

one month old!

This past Friday, it had been one month since we welcomed sweet Way Timothy into this world! We had lots of special visitors, and though we didn't get a pic with everyone who visited, we appreciate all of you!

It's been such a fast month, much faster than all of first months with newborns. Maybe it just gets faster and faster when there are other kiddos to take care of too. Or maybe, it's because I've finally, finally been able to appreciate the newborn stage! And is that because now, I truly understand how fast our littles grow up? I think so. Whatever it is, I am so thankful the Lord has blessed me with the ability to really soak in this last newborn stage we will have. I sure do love it, but I really love our new little man!

One month ago, we were told by Way's pediatric cardiologist that he had 2 different holes in his heart. I still don't know all the details of the anatomy of the heart, so I won't begin to explain much further. But, Way's doctor told us that one of the holes would probably close on its own, while the other hole would require surgery when Way is 3-4 months old. Before Way was born, I had been seeing a high risk dr. because they found fluid around Way's heart (and after further evaluation, diagnosed our little man with Down syndrome),  but the fluid had disappeared and we had been told there appears to be nothing wrong with his heart. So, this new news, came as a shock. But, we were encouraged that Way would be bigger and it would give the doctor more room to work. Plus, if the hole was causing too much stress, he could have the surgery immediately. So, because we could wait until he was 3 months, meant he was okay for now.

And then, a week after Way was born, we saw his cardiologist again, and after another echo, he said he was pleased to tell us that the smaller hole had already closed, and the bigger one was significantly smaller and didn't look like Way would need surgery!! Praise the Lord!! On top of that good news, Way passed his hearing screening! And, Way is back up to his birth weight! And his suckling reflexes are awesome! And, and, and!! Way continues to amaze us. He's such an angel baby!

So, a month has gone by and what a sweet first month of life we have had with Way! Sure, things are crazy around our house--with less sleep, school starting, and lots of transition--but we love our new addition and feel so thankful to our family and friends who are supporting and loving on us and little Way!!


Suzanne said...

woohooo!!!! Miracles everywhere all the time I am telling you!!!
Clay and Suzanne

Amy said...

Awesome news!! Go Way! Go God!


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