Tuesday, October 18, 2011

hello pumpkins!

Hello 50 degrees! Does this mean I can officially turn off our air-conditioning? Hello rain and warm sweaters! I am ready to pull out little Miles' flannel crib sheets and add the olders warm blankets on their beds! Hello yummy smell of chili simmering in the crockpot! Watching the countdown on the crockpot everytime I walk by it in the kitchen has been painful--I can't wait for comfort food tonight!

Just a few days ago it was hot, for October anyway! I think it might have been our first family trip to the pumpkin patch in shorts and short sleeves! Well, except for Miles--he had a pumpkin outfit that had to be worn anyway! But the heat didn't stop us. We climbed on the tractor and headed off to the pumpkin patch. . .

Where Miles discovered he loves pumpkins. . .

and wasn't going to sit still too long. . .

because he had a hay maze to tackle and a photo to pose for that will make the little girls (and his Mommy) melt. . .

And older brothers climbed huge barrels of hay. . .

and had a blast swingin' on a tire. . .

Do you think they enjoyed the pumpkin patch?

I think so! Thanks again Cedar Hill Farms! You never disappoint!


Aunt Mary! said...

Oh. My. Everloving. Goodness.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Great pics, Babe.


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