Friday, March 12, 2010

family resemblances and a vote!

So lately, people have been telling me more and more who each of our boys look like, Chad or me. I won't tell you what many people think because we want your vote! I will say that random people (think people we run into at Target, etc) have a different opinion than people who know us and see us relatively often. So I compiled a couple of pictures, and sadly had to go back to October and November for some decent family shots. See what you think about these two. . .which boy looks like which parent?

Maybe these will help too. . .

I'll be sure to let you know what the majority of people think. But do tell us your thoughts! Oh and we'd like you to make one more comparison. . .

it might take you a little while to come up with a thought. . .

but see what you think of this picture and tell us. . .

who you think our 3rd (and final??) boy or girl will look like!!!!! If this picture is too hard to tell, you'll have to wait until September 29th or so to make a better guess!!!!!


Unknown said...

Hooray says Aunt Mary! I love him/her already! TBD on what I think pooker/ette #3 will be - I was off on the last one! Love ALL of you!

HoppArt said...

Horray!! Pooker Part 3!

Molly Witherington said...

Yay yay yay! Congrats Lindley and Chad! I will refrain from guessing gender as I am ALWAYS wrong on those. I was even pretty sure both of my own were boys! So much for a mother's instinct!

amber@This Mommy Cooks said...

Congrats!!! So exciting!! In my small group in bible study 6 girls just announced they are pregnant! It's crazy!

EBW said...

Oh my goodness!! Congrats!!

Anonymous said...

-love this post.
-i think your boys are a mix....i studied the photos and i really don't know how to vote. seriously.
-woo hoo for'll be your own Jackson 5!!!
-i vote girl.


The Robinsons said...

luke is mini-lindley.
charlie is mini-chad.

hmmm.... #3? i'm going with girl...


Erica said...

Congratulations!!! This is super exciting!!!

Kristen said...

Congratulations Jackson family! I'm so excited for you! And I'll say... girl!

Miss Angie said...

OMG, Miss! I had no idea! Congrats! :)
I agree w/ the Robinsons.
& I hope you get a girl! :)

Heather said...

Congratulations! 3 is busy but great :)

The Stout Family said...

That is the Stout Anniversary! I think he/she will be born bald and look like "uncle Kevin!"

mrchrishill said...

awesome news for sure.

and to go deep on you, know that as parents our goal isn't that our kids would look like us [parents] at all, but JESUS!

keep up the good work and don't shut the door on #4 just yet. Godly families like yours shouldn't call it quits just yet.

very excited!


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