The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it.
~James Bryce
As 2009 came to a close, I found myself reflecting about my year, probably like many of you did. In fact, while Chad and I were having yummy appetizers on our New Year's Eve date night (thanks Mom and Dad), we talked about some of the highs (so many) and lows (we've had these too) of 2009. We talked about different words that described 2009 and our "key"words, rather than resolutions, we have chosen for 2010.
And, because illuminate is my word for the year, I began making a list of some of the books I hope to read this year and reflected on two of my favorite books I read last year.
My Top 2 Favorite Books that I read last year were. . .
The Help, by Kathryn Stockett
and . . .
and . . .
A Thousand Splended Suns by Khaled Hosseini
Now, I could review these books for you, but I wouldn't do them justice. If you haven't read them, I suggest you just read reviews at and know that I highly recommend them! Both books are completely different, but full of love, courage, heartache, drama, humor--everything that makes me unable to put a book down! Incredible!
Two of the books highest on my list to read in 2010 are. . .
Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss
and . . .
Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson
I'd love to hear if you have read any of these books and what you thought! I'd also love to see what is on your "must read list" for 2010! Do share and tell me what to add to my list!
you will love "stepping..."! whoah. great read!
I have both of your favorites from last year but haven't read them've motivated me to finally pick them up! Thanks!
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