As many of you know, last week was Chad's last week working for Marsh. Tomorrow he starts his new job at FedEx and we're really excited! In between jobs though, Chad took a week off for a family "staycation." We decided to stay in Memphis this week and have lots of fun!
On Monday, we had to beat the heat, so what better way to do so than by heading to the Children's Museum of Memphis! Luke had so much fun at the water table trying to fish and flying a FedEx plane (Go FedEx!). He also loved climbing in the police car and riding on the motorcycle too. Charlie was awesome and slept in the stroller--what a trooper! We almost had a major meltdown as we were leaving, but we promised to come back soon!

motorcycle man
Tuesday was blazing hot again with another heat warning, so we headed to the Pink Palace. I was the only one in our family who had been before, so this was a treat for the boys. They currently have a Treasure exhibit and that was the BIG hit. Chad and Luke headed to a water table (see a theme here?) and dug around in the dirt, sand and water for "treasures" (which were really pretty kinds of rocks and stones buried in the muck). The docent told Luke he could keep one treasure he found and had to return the others, so at the end of the searching, Chad and Luke lined up all the treasures they found and Luke picked out his favorite one---a shiny, crystal-looking purple rock. He calls it his treasure rock and wants it with him at all times! We all had so much fun and can't wait to head back in October when they will have a train exhibit---I can hear the giddy squeals already!
Luke, with treasure in hand, putting the others back!
And, to wrap up our "staycation" we braved the heat (it was only supposed to be 95--a cool front) and went to the zoo! Aunt Mary was along for the ride so it was extra fun! We spent some time in the air-conditioned polar bear exhibit, while we fed Charlie and tried to stop sweating, but then we were off again. Luke was unusually fascinated by the snakes today and not as interested in other animals he usually likes. Hmmm, hope that's not the start of something. I won't be one of those moms who allows pet snakes at home---nope, no way!
Aunt Mary and Luke posing in front of the flamingos!
Aunt Mary, Luke and Mommy---way too hot
(I'm refering to the heat, not our beauty--don't be silly)
So, while we didn't head off to anywhere exotic, the Jackson Family Staycation was full of fun, family-quality time and everything we hoped it would be!
What a fun staycation! Oh, and favorite, too. I make up reasons to go celebrate and eat there.'s the only food in Memphis that's truly worth the price...and most of the meat and produce is local. Love it.
Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I MISS THE ZOO!!! Congrats to Chad on his new job, I know you both are excited about that!
Oh Miss-you are hilarious! Of course you are 'way too hot!' :) Stay out of the heat!
A-Aunt Mary had a GREAT time at the zoo!
B-Um, we are hot in every sense of the word, don't lie...
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