So this week is spring break from our normal weekly events. Luke didn't have "school" this week, my Bible Study had a break for Holy week, the storytime lady took a spring break and so we've been making things up as we go!
Luke and I went to the zoo with some friends on Monday. It was our first time to go this season! I've been dying to go before baby Charlie gets here, so we made a morning of it. Luke was really excited too. He LOVED the monkeys "talking" and got a huge kick out of Mommy saying "ewww" to the snakes. I actually didn't even remember saying "ewww", but he asked me in the car, "What does Mommy say about snakes?" and I wasn't sure. He told me "ewww" and has been saying it (and laughing hysterically) the rest of the week!
We met some other friends for lunch on Tuesday, played with Grandpa and made Easter cookies on a rainy Wednesday, and had a friend take a photo shoot of Luke today! We've had a week of randomness, but throwing in some play-do, dot markers, playing outside and dancing to music and Luke has had a blast!
Latest baby update: I had another dr. appt. yesterday. I'm only 1/2 centimeter dilated at this point. It's progress, but it still doesn't look like little Charlie will come early. After discussing induction dates with our dr., it seems that based on his availability and Chad's work schedule, we'll probably wait until April 8th (one day after due date) to induce----if he hasn't already come! We'll keep you updated!
Meanwhile, here are some pics from the week!

Luke and Brady hanging out with the elephants!
Making Easter cookies. . .
Eating Easter cookies. . .looks a little guilty here---but he had permission--no worries
A friend of mine is a photographer and she put together a wonderful photo shoot today! I can't wait to get the pictures back. In the meantime, after she left, Luke still wanted to play outside, so I whipped out my camera and got a couple of shots of him too!
sounds like you guys had a fun week! your cookies look yummy...I love cookies with icing! Happy Easter!
Adorable pictures of my little Pooker as always! I'll tell the snakes you said "Hey" today when I see getting grossed out and saying "Ewwww, NASTY!"
Loved the pictures...I can't believe you didn't share any cookies with Mimi & Grandpa!! Mimi and Grandpa will definitely need to go to the zoo with Luke soon. I remember going with him when it seemed like 90 degrees...wait I think it really was! Definitely, go while it's cooler.
Mimi loves to read to Luke and when he thinks something is cute or sweet he goes awwwwh. Love it!!
Mimi & Grandpa love the way he gets so excited over something like the temp/alarm clock on Grandpa's desk. Boy was he obsessed with that today.
Can you touch the elephants and isn't that dangerous?
- Concerned Cousin
You have a beautiful family and thanks for sharing our blog!
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